AIVS Enzymatic Ultrasonic Concentrate 500ml

AIVS Enzymatic Ultrasonic Concentrate 500ml

From the world's most innovative record cleaning formula company comes this new concentrate designed especially for use with ultrasonic machines.

Manufacturers description
We first began experimenting with ultrasonic record cleaning in 2011. One of the issues we found to overcome, for the method to be used successfully, was to find a way to eliminate as much as possible the introduction of dissolved solids in the cleaning formula. In the time since then we have experimented and tested from time to time with both commercially available ultrasonic record cleaning machines as well as “home-built” machines.

Our final field testing of this product was conducted during summer 2021. We are now able to offer a non-foaming, very low dissolved solids product that contains no chemical detergents or solvents and that is appropriate for use in all ultrasonic record cleaning machines. The product does not leave any residue and no after-bath rinsing is required.

Enzymatic Record Cleaning Concentrate For Ultrasonic Record Cleaning Machines is available in both 500ml and 1000ml sizes. The product is used by simply adding approximately 4 ml of the concentrate for every litre of water in the ultrasonic bath of any machine. Along with being safe and effective, this product is also among the most economical on the market.

Available in 1 litre and half litre sizes with a 40ml Measuring Cup.

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