Telos Earth Grounding Monster (Reference Active Grounding Noise Reducer)

Telos Earth Grounding Monster (Reference Active Grounding Noise Reducer)

The ultimate in system grounding is here.
Telos' Earth Grounding Monster is 40 times the power of a GNR V5.1+
Please phone 0414 755 960 for more information.

Click images to enlarge

Click images to enlarge

Read an explanation of the Earth Grounding Monster's technology and function here

This product is employed in the demonstration systems of some of the audio world's premier brands.

Note: Buyers of this product from GrooveWorks will receive specialist installation by Telos Audio Design's CEO and designer, Jeff Lin at no extra cost.


Read the Analogue Fellowship review here

Read Roy Gregory's review here

Phone 0414 755 960 for a demonstration.

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