AIVS Ultra Pure Water 500ml

AIVS Ultra Pure Water 500ml

Read the Audio Beat review We strongly recommend a final rinse in Ultra-Pure Water, regardless of the record cleaning product used.
What is Ultra-Pure Water?

Water is filtered and de-ionized in a 6 step process, producing a research grade product that is more than 50 times purer than distilled water.
All AIVS cleaning products contain Ultra-Pure Water. This is important for allowing unobstructed action by the enzyme components of the AIVS cleaning formulas. The result is records that are cleaner than they've ever been. This product is perfect as a rinse agent after the 2-step cleaning process to remove any traces of contaminants that might remain, and is also perfect for rinsing brushes and record cleaning machine pickup tubes.

» Vinyl safe
» Shellac safe

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