LAST Stylast Stylus Treatment
Extends stylus life up to 10 times
STYLAST dramatically reduces the friction at the stylus/groove interface resulting in...
- Stylus life extension up to 10 times
- Reduced distortion and improved sonic performance
- Increased stylus tracking ability
- Increased stylus suspension life
- Reduced record wear
STYLAST is not a lubricant and leaves no residue. It is effective throughout the entire play of one side of an LP record.
Stereophile Recommended Components : Volume 25, October 2002 / Volume 24, October 2001 / Volume 23, October 2000 / Volume 22, October 1999 / Volume 21, October 1998
Greg Weaver, August 1999 Soundstage Magazine:
"The winning combination here is the use of a record treated with the [LAST] Preservative, tracked by a stylus treated with STYLAST. The combined enhancement of the two products on the sonic performance is quite desirable. And given that they are both purported to extend the life of both stylus and record, what's not to like?"
Peter Moncreif, IAR Hotline #21,
"Specifically, STYLAST, makes your disc sound much, much cleaner (less distorted), at all frequencies. There's much less of the fuzz and hash that we've all taken for granted as part and parcel of disc reproduction lo these many years...We hear greater and more lifelike dynamics, especially on transient attacks....Music's subtleties are rendered more individually, with better intertransient silence and more lucid revelation of inner detail. We hear hall ambience information much better, and this in turn enhances all aspects of imaging. In sum, every sonic parameter that you associate with good sound is improved by STYLAST...The long term economic dividends in extended cartridge lifetime alone make this product an instant winner. But, as with LAST Record Preservative, it's the sonic improvements you hear immediately that are the magic persuader. Once you hear it, you won't be able to live without STYLAST"
STYLAST Stylus Treatment:
1/4 oz. bottle Stylast (brush in lid)
Number of effective operations per bottle when used per instructions:
3 - 5 years / bottle typical.