TELOS Quantum X10 Stickers (sheet of 20)

TELOS Quantum X10 Stickers (sheet of 20)

"...I can’t believe what I’m hearing! This is incredible!"

Quantum X10 Blue Stickers contain Yttrium(III) Oxide, Holmium(III) Oxide, Lanthanum(III) Oxide and Dysprosium(III) Oxide, four rare earth minerals. Together with the six original compounds in the red Quantum Stickers, the ten elements form the new Quantum X10 Blue Stickers!

The new blue stickers retain the exquisite sense of space of the red stickers. At the same time, the new stickers produce more articulate bass and the mids sound more focused.

Click images to enlarge

It is very much like the sound of vacuum tubes! It is very effective when used on thin sounding digital sources and systems that are lacking in dynamics.

So what are people saying about them?

"Wow! Wow! Wow!…felt like I had another 2 Torus subs thrown into the room. Bass has so much air and smoothness…not even a hint of harshness. Sound stage, clarity and imaging is indescribable. Sooo much more depth, height and width…and I’m only up to the transport!
I have not heard music like this with all the $100k upgrades, compared to this level of improvement. I would go so far as saying quite content to listen to CD now as much as vinyl!
Last word…unreal!"

- D.P. Victoria (Quantum X2 Fuses and Quantum Stickers)

"Peter, I can’t believe what I’m hearing! This is incredible!"
- G.C. Tasmania (Quantum Stickers)

"This is insane! I can’t think of any logical reason why these stickers should do what they do…but they’re doing it anyway…and how! This is the best, most cost-effective upgrade I have ever tried...and that's over 40 years in audio! If this is audio voodoo, give me more of it!"
- P.S. Victoria (Quantum X2 Fuses and Quantum Stickers)

"This sceptic is well and truly convinced…I’ve gone dotty!"
- B.L. Victoria (Quantum X2 Fuses and Quantum Stickers)

"If I had found these things years ago I would have saved a lot of money. I’m hearing things I’ve never heard before!
The ambiance, the imaging, the voice, the definition…amazing!
The noise floor dropped dramatically! I can hear everything! The best upgrade in audio!"

- P.W. NSW (Quantum X2 Fuses and Quantum Stickers)

"I have never heard anything like this…anywhere!"
- D.L. NSW (Quantum X2 Fuses and Quantum Stickers)

Dear Peter,
The saga of the Telos products continues to provide fresh insights. The other day, as I have already told you, I accidentally damaged my superb Cary AE-3 preamp; when I opened up the case to see if repairs could be made, I discovered several Telos stickers on capacitors and resistors.
Like the medieval ruler Baldwin I, who, when told he was king of Jerusalem on his brother Godfrey's death, was recorded as "grieving somewhat at his brother's death, but rejoicing much more over the inheritance", I immediately liberated the Telos stickers and began to use them on the large ER Audio Acorn speaker. Two large red stickers found their home on the speaker terminals; two others were placed immediately under the - terminals of the mid range and treble panels. I stood back and listened.
The difference was breathtaking; the moderate bass was replaced by a solid and palpable dynamic solidity which you find with good dynamic coil drivers; remember that the bass panels had not (yet) been altered. Four large red stickers. Total cost? Don't ask. Does this happen all the time? No. Usually there his an increase in midrange, what used to be called 'presence' in the golden age of hi-fi, fifty years ago. However, once or twice, the impossible has happened: the component begins to punch well above its weight. In economics or stockbroking, they have a word for it: leverage.
Telos stickers, in my experience, need to be used empirically, that is, they have a subtly different effect on different components. This applies to different placement within that unit. My friend Ray, who has been thinking about this, told me yesterday that he things of the Telos stickers as catalysts: that is, an agent when applied to inert materials, liberates energy or initiates reactions which would not otherwise take place. There is something in this. It is liberating capabilities in my system which I scarcely believed possible. For this, and for what is yet to come, I am truly grateful.

-E.B., Tully, QLD.

Also available in 6mm square stickers - $260/box of 20 pcs.

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